Do you have persistent tenderness or pain in your jaw? Possibly a clicking or popping sound with limited jaw movement? You may be like millions of other Americans who suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and craniofacial disorders. TMJD or temporomandibular joint disorders can be extremely uncomfortable but in most cases are temporary and treatable with the right care. If you are experiencing jaw pain in Oklahoma City, contact our office today and join the many patients who have found pain relief under Dr. Chris Saxon’s experienced care.
What is TMJ?
The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the lower jawbone to the skull. This area contributes to your jaw movement such as chewing, talking and yawning. When someone is experiencing TMJD, they may experience no pain or pain when the jaw is at rest, only while in movement or both.
Do You Suffer from Jaw Pain?
What Causes TMJD
Dr. Saxon will work closely with you to try and determine the root cause of your pain. However, the exact causation of TMJ disorders can be quite difficult at times. There is a culmination of factors that can lead to TMJD such as arthritis, trauma, grinding of teeth, genetics, disease, abnormal bite and more.
Signs & Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
It’s important to note that you may not feel pain in your jaw with the early signs of TMJ disorder. You might hear popping or clicking but no pain is associated so you think you are fine. This could not be further from the truth. As soon as you notice a persistent change or irregularities in this joint you should contact your Oklahoma City TMJ dentist. Leaving TMJD untreated can cause severe pain and possibly irreversible damage. Additional signs outside of clicking and popping noises include but are not limited to:
TMJ Treatment in OKC
Dr. Saxon will work diligently with you to get you out of pain as quickly as possible. Since TMJ disorders can occur for numerous reasons, each patient’s treatment may vary greatly depending on the individual needs. Treatment can range from self-care methods such as facial stretching exercises to splint therapy and decompression orthotics. The goal is to relieve muscle tension and strain, minimize clenching or grinding of teeth and relieve facial, neck and jaw pain without the need for surgery. For an individualized treatment plan from an experienced dentist to address your TMJ pain, contact Saxon Dentistry.
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